Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Repeating myself

Nothing really going on right now. I'm in a holding pattern that circles the airport with no landing in mind and a full tank of gas. grrr. Editor is sick. More delays. Too busy doing "life stuff" I can't write. I'm just.... blah! about it all. Can't wait to write, yet I have no time.

I have nothing else to report so I thought I'd post some reviews. I wasn't sure I saw this one before so maybe you haven't either...

When Love Is Not Enough
When Love Is Not Enough by Wade Kelly is a homoerotic romance.

Matt can't believe it when he found out the one person he could always count on, Jamie, is dead. The worst part is Jamie had secret parts of his life that no one knew about and the biggest was his fiancé Darian. Matt is shocked to learn there was many things he didn't know about Jamie, even when Jamie knew all about him. Everyone at the funeral is wondering how such a loving and happy young man could have killed himself. Matt is determined to find out why and he remembers the hidden stash behind Jamie's bed where he always hid his most important things so his mother would never find them. Jamie and Matt live in a town that is not accepting of anyone who is different especially his churches extreme views about homosexuality. Jamie left behind many questions and two people, Darian and Matt, who are drawn together in the crises. Are their feelings strong enough to survive or will they fade when they return to their real lives?

This is an incredible story about love, loss and lasting changes in the lives of the people left behind by suicide. Many people who have tried to commit suicide talk about feeling they can't go on and the only way out is death. That must be a horrible feeling, but the people left behind have to deal with not only the loss, but the feelings of guilt that they didn't do anything to help them. Jamie kept his life so segmented that the people in his life knew only part of him and couldn't realize what he was going through. It was sad how he felt he had to lie and keep secrets from even Matt and Darien who loved him unconditionally. The way Darian's mom forced him to talk to her minister was horrible because he knew that he if he told him the truth his mother, who was unstable at best, could physically hurt him. I was drawn into Darian and Matt's lives as they came together in their grief, but if they are lucky they may find a love that they never expected.

Reviewed by: Teresa

Plus, my book is on a list of favorite gay books for 2012. Yay me! http://www.reviewsbyjessewave.com/2012/08/07/readers-favourite-gay-books/

So, it's exciting to see more nice things about my book. I hope the next one gets some notice too.

Gotta go.

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