Sunday, March 30, 2014

Info for "New Subscribers"


This is a post mainly for the new people I met at the Rainbow Book Fair who were kind enough to stop by my table, talk, and then fill out an entry for a drawing and check the box marked "YES" to subscribe to current news via e-mail. My main form of communication about "current news" is my blog. I don't do "group" e-mails and I am not even sure how. I found an app online that signs people up to get an e-mail notification when I post a blog. This is GOOD NEWS for people who are interested in what is going on in my life, in my writing, and with my books.

If you already check back often to look for posts and want notifications, simply look to the right and find the box that looks like this (on my blog page

I have tried this myself and it works. Normally I get a notification the day after I post a blog. AND at the end of the e-mail there is an option to "unsubscribe" if you decide it is not for you. I tend to blog twice a week on most weeks. There was a spell where I only blogged once every other week, but I hope that dry period is gone for now. I think my depression has moved on. I THINK I am feeling motivated again and that the creative juices are flowing. I HOPE!

For those who wanted to get e-mails, I am listing your email in this "Subscibers" box and you will get e-mails when I post a blog. I CAN NOT unsubscribe for you. You have to open the e-mail from "Wade Kelly <>" and scroll to the bottom and click "unsubscribe" just like any other e-mail that comes in on a regular basis. I had to unsubscribe from some places today. I opted to stop receiving e-mails from Kohl's, Travilocity,, and groupon to name a few. I always get too many e-mails and sometimes you need to unsubscribe and weed them out.

I do not know who follows me via e-mail. The app doesn't tell me. I do not know who "UNsubscribes", it doesn't tell me. As far as I know you are anonymous via e-mail. On the blog itself, if you "follow" my blog from your blog, then I think it shows up in my "followers" list. I only as 48 today. THANK YOU TO THOSE 48!!!!!

Anyway, That is how it all works. I am off to write a separate blog and talk about the rainbow book fair and my upcoming conferences and up coming release, etc.

Oh, and BTW, I am writing probably three blogs in a row so those who met me this weekend will get three notifications at the same time. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. It just so happens that I have separate things to blog and talk about so I am doing it in separate blog posts. Normally, it is 2 blogs a week.


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