Thursday, March 12, 2015


In the interest of BLOGGING on a more regular basis, I am going to try and utilize some of the things that were suggested by Poppy Dennison and others on my wonderful weekend with my Dreamspinner family. One thing that Poppy suggested was picking your personal favorite social media and doing it well. If it is Facebook, go for it. Blogger—do it! But the point was to be specific and consistent and vary content when posting. If I blog, then don’t blog on the same things that I have talked about everywhere else in exactly the same way.

Anyone who follows my blog knows I ramble. You also know I am NOT consistent. Part of that is not knowing what to post, or feeling like I’ll bore readers to death, but of late it is fear of being “watched”. I am a public figure in a sense because I am an author, but I haven’t feared readers following, stalking, or watching. If I am being an ass or a bitch, readers PLEASE call me out on it. I want to be known as a kind person, a loving person, and I strive NOT to add to drama or say anything untoward about follow authors and readers etc.

It is people in my REAL LIFE that disagree with what I write and do not understand my goals in writing and why I chose to write in the genre. Shouldering their ridicule is often very hard, and painful.

That being said, I don’t want to repeat myself and annoy you with details of my daily difficulties. Just know it is ongoing. This will not stop, the pressures just shift and change, but they do not go away. To make them disappear I would have to stop writing. That sounds drastic, and the nay-sayers in REAL LIFE would probably argue and say, “We never said that!” No, you want me to stop writing the stories I feel passionate about. I don’t know about every author, but writing something deep and meaningful doesn’t exactly flow if forced. My stories come to me in various ways, but they are not forced. I don’t sit down and type and push a story out because someone wants to story about a zombie mutant that took over Chicago and blew up Alaska before boarding a spaceship to Mars.

Um, MAYBE I could write that story, but I would have to feel it and find something significant about that zombie that pushed culture and had a social message that I thought others needed to hear. I write about culture, if you didn’t know. My stories are not just about two guys having sex, as some may think. I write about social issues and push boundaries in order to make people think. (It is in my bio!) Have I made you think? I hope so.

In the desire to post more often and be consistent, I thought of types of posts….

1.    Silent Sundays. We have Sundays With Sam-I-Am on 2 boys in Love, so go ahead and read about what Sam is up to. I might post a picture, or something short. My Sundays are generally busy so I don’t get online as much. I might even make it “Snake Sundays” because I love snakes. I’ll post some pictures of my pets or something. :)

2.    Monday Movies. What do you think about that? It’s simple enough, right? I talk about one movie a week and see how it goes. Remember I was born in the time of the dinosaurs; so many of the movies I know about are old. (HAHAHA) I rarely have time to see newer ones but we will see how this goes. Kage Alan likes to talk about movies, so maybe so can I :)

3.    Tuesday teasers. I will post a review or an excerpt from one of my books. I don’t have all that many so I will have to get creative with that. Most likely, it will become repetitive. We shall see.

4.    What's up? Wednesdays. I might start talking about the musical WICKED and call it "Wicked Wednesdays"and talk about how I really feel like most of the songs were written about me. Hahaha. After I get though Wicked, I will have to think of what else Wednesday bring you readers, hence "What's up?". Not sure. :p

5.    Throwback Thursday. I am going to go through and repost some older posts. I plan on commenting on some of the content. Like: “Oh, look here! I accomplished this!” etc. So I can get a feel of where have come from in the past 5.5 years as a published author. What was I thinking and feeling back then and how has it changed?

6.    Friend Fridays. It is going to be back on!!! I will set up a schedule and send it to authors who were previously interested. Not sure if THIS FRIDAY will happen, but I do have a post from new author Tyler Cook that I will post first and then we shall go from there. If you want to post and you didn't sign up on Facebook (because I still have that list) then comment below or message me.

7.    Saturday Songs. I love music. Maybe not as much as Eric Arvin, but I do listen to music all the time. I will share a song or video that I like and talk about it. (Even songs I don’t like and why.) Something different for me, and not real hard, plus it gets readers to feel more connected to the type of person I am. I bet you can't guess my 3 top best awesomest favorite bands! lol

I try to post twice a week and fail, so this is a lot of posting! I might miss some, but if I strive for something shorter every day then I might actually get some posts up! That would be good, right? For the most part, many of these posts should be easy enough for me.

Poppy said that only 20% of posts should be about book promo, and the rest should be about YOU. So, I am trying not to bore you about my books over and over and just talk about me. I know me. I can talk about me.

That is all for now. Love and Hugs.

Wade Kelly


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