Wednesday, September 30, 2015

JOCK in Spanish!!

If you follow me on Facebook then you've already heard, but here it is on my blog…

JOCK is coming out in SPANISH!!! That's right. My little ol' book about a college Jock falling in love with his nerdy roommate is coming out in Spanish on October 27, 2015.


In Spanish, the description is:

Es fácil ser cínico cuando la vida no está de tu lado.

Cole Reid ha sido un excluido social desde los quince años, cuando el equipo de béisbol del instituto lo sacó del armario. Desde entonces, su comportamiento obsesivo-compulsivo y su naturaleza sarcástica lo han llevado a distanciarse de la mayoría de las personas, además todo el mundo lo odia por ser gay. Tal y como él lo ve, está destinado a repeler a cualquier amigo potencial y, por supuesto, a cualquier novio, así que, ¿para qué molestarse?

Cuando Cole entra en la universidad, ya es un solitario en su fase anal-retentiva más dura, pero eso no es un problema hasta que su compañero de piso se gradúa y el departamento de alojamiento le asigna otro, Ellis Montgomery. Ellis es desordenado, atractivo, heterosexual y lo peor de todo: ¡un atleta!

Durante un semestre lleno de compañeros de fraternidad, acampadas y padres entrometidos, Cole y Ellis desarrollarán una amistad que volverá del revés el vaso medio vacío de la cabeza de Cole. Tiene que haber algo más en Ellis que un divertido atleta; y quizá la renovada libido de Cole pueda reavivar su esperanza por algo más que una simple camaradería.

I have on good authority (Thank you Mari) that this is a really good translation of the blurb! So, fingers crossed the rest of the story is just as accurate. Sometimes things get lost in translation but I know Dreamspinner translators do their very best! So spread the word to all those out there who speak Spanish and may not read English and could have missed my best selling novel :)

It is also in GERMAN, and ITALIAN. >>> and ENGLISH ;) <<<

Friday, September 25, 2015

Aisling Mancy hosts Tempe O'Riley

Interviews are a happening!

Click to read the latest one HERE!
Aisling Mancy hosts Tempe O'Riley

Dirty Dozen blog Hop!

The schedule is as follows:
Schedule - 
Sept 24th                      A.E. Via                      hosts                Wade Kelly 
Sept 25th                      Aisling Mancy            hosts                Tempe O’Riley
Sept 28th                      Alexa Land                 hosts                T.M. Smith
Sept 29th                      Carter Quinn               hosts                Nicole Dennis
Sept 30th                      Jeff Adams                 hosts                Nic Star
Oct 1st                         L.E. Franks                 hosts                Morticia Knight
Oct 2nd                        Morticia Knight          hosts                L.E. Franks
Oct 5th                         Nic Starr                     hosts                Jeff Adams
Oct 6th                         Nicole Dennis             hosts                Carter Quinn
Oct 7th                         T.M. Smith                 hosts                Alexa Land
Oct 8th                         Tempe O’Riley           hosts                Aisling Mancy
Oct 9th                         Wade Kelly                 hosts                A.E. Via

My Interview

Hello all,

The Dirty Dozen Blog Hop started yesterday with MY interview on AE Via's blog.

HERE is the link!

I'm not sure how long that link will take you to the interview questions I answered, but it works today. Sometimes blogs have specific posts linked to them. Some don't. Normally when I post a blog link it will be or some sort of notation like that, which takes you RIGHT to the post and to just my blog in general. I don't see how to do that with AE's blog, so there you have it. Each

This is the schedule for all those who want to know:

The schedule is as follows:
Schedule - 
Sept 24th                      A.E. Via                      hosts                Wade Kelly 
Sept 25th                      Aisling Mancy            hosts                Tempe O’Riley
Sept 28th                      Alexa Land                 hosts                T.M. Smith
Sept 29th                      Carter Quinn               hosts                Nicole Dennis
Sept 30th                      Jeff Adams                 hosts                Nic Star
Oct 1st                         L.E. Franks                 hosts                Morticia Knight
Oct 2nd                        Morticia Knight          hosts                L.E. Franks
Oct 5th                         Nic Star                       hosts                Jeff Adams
Oct 6th                         Nicole Dennis             hosts                Carter Quinn
Oct 7th                         T.M. Smith                 hosts                Alexa Land
Oct 8th                         Tempe O’Riley           hosts                Aisling Mancy
Oct 9th                         Wade Kelly                 hosts                A.E. Via

Each hop has a form. (As far as aI know) and you can enter a chance to win a book from each author. 12 books! 1 winner!

All the hops are interview related and each of us provided a question. It was fun. Anyway, stop by AE Via's website for a chance to win and to see
what I had to say and WHOM I am looking forward to writing with in 2016.

Remember: There are 12 interviews to read all together. Don't miss one!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Attention: Blog Tour coming up

I haven't blogged in a very long time. I'm sorry. Part of it is paranoia and wondering who is "watching" me. And some of it has to do with time and personal issues which got in the way. I WANT to be consistent, I just need to DO it!

This is a little note to let you know there is a blog tour coming up in preparation for GRL. (Gay Rom Lit ) Last year I participated in a blog hop called the Dirty Dozen. Tammy Middleton is heading it up again and organizing another tour. This is to help get exposure by hooking up with 11 other authors and doing a round robin thing hosting each other. I will host author A.E. Via in October.

The schedule is as follows:
Schedule - 
Sept 24th                      A.E. Via                      hosts                Wade Kelly 
Sept 25th                      Aisling Mancy            hosts                Tempe O’Riley
Sept 28th                      Alexa Land                 hosts                T.M. Smith
Sept 29th                      Carter Quinn               hosts                Nicole Dennis
Sept 30th                      Jeff Adams                 hosts                Nic Star
Oct 1st                         L.E. Franks                 hosts                Morticia Knight
Oct 2nd                        Morticia Knight          hosts                L.E. Franks
Oct 5th                         Nic Starr                     hosts                Jeff Adams
Oct 6th                         Nicole Dennis             hosts                Carter Quinn
Oct 7th                         T.M. Smith                 hosts                Alexa Land
Oct 8th                         Tempe O’Riley           hosts                Aisling Mancy
Oct 9th                         Wade Kelly                 hosts                A.E. Via

Note: There are prizes to be won if you visit each leg of the hop. So please, visit the other blogs an those dates and check in ;)

I plan to post a link to the blog hop so my readers can find it. Good luck to all and I hope you like the interview questions we all answered. By reading each week, you get to find out a little more about each  of the 12 authors.

Thanks for stopping by.

Hugs and kisses to all ;)
